As part of the Beckett Digital Manuscript Project, I co-edited a digital genetic edition of three Samuel Beckett plays: Not I / Pas moi, That Time / Cette fois and Footfalls / Pas. The edition allows you to follow Beckett's creative process in English and French, from early manuscript drafts to notes he made directing in the theatre.
- You can see the manuscript catalogue for Not I / Pas moi here
- the catalogue for That Time / Cette fois is here
- and the one for Footfalls / Pas is here.
Access to the full edition – featuring transcriptions, a bilingual sentence comparison tool, a collation engine and hyperlinks to relevant passages in Beckett's library – requires a subscription.
Based on my research for the online edition, I wrote a book about the 'making of' these three Beckett plays.
Based on my research for the online edition, I wrote a book about the 'making of' these three Beckett plays.